Ottawa Lookout
Welcome to Ottawa Lookout, how smart, engaged Ottawa locals learn about local news, events, restaurants and civic issues.
We offer the ability to purchase ads directly through this online portal. We also offer discounts and packages depending on your budget and needs. To learn more about those, contact geoff@lookoutmediaco.com.
Our audience
Our readers are high-income, 30-55+, homeowners, who shop local and attend events
Our subscriber list size is 36,000 readers, with an open rate of 55%+ and click rate of 9%+, both 2.5x industry averages
Ad examples
Event ad example (scroll down on link) - Vancouver International Jazz Festival
Classified ad example (scroll down on link) - Third Place Wine
Ottawa Lookout
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday23000
Classified package
Save 21% on multiple classified ads
Event package
Save 21% on multiple ads to promote your event
25 words designed to increase awareness and drive additional clicks in the community highlights section
Pairs well with other ads
Example: Third Place Wine
Reminder: Please include the URL embedded in the ad itself. Click the example ad above to see what it looks like.
25 words designed to increase awareness and drive additional clicks
Like our classified ads but appears in the event section of our newsletter
Reminder: Please include the URL embedded in the ad itself. Click the example ad above to see what it looks like.
“Advertising is only as good as the quality of the clients it delivers....and the readers of the Ottawa Lookout are fabulous! As a result of our ads Declutter4Good has organized and decluttered quite a few Ottawa Lookout readers' homes.”
Declutter4Good, Martha Tobin
"The Lookout has become a key part of our promotional efforts for local events. Their newsletter audience is a great place to advertise, and regularity generates a high level of views and clicks. If you have an event, it's worth partnering with the Lookout to reach their tens of thousands of local reader
Big ad spends are out of reach for non profits, and it provided us with a more immediate way to reach people. We were surprised by just how effective our campaign was - we consistently get thousands of website visitors at a price we can afford. As social media becomes a harder place to reach people, the Lookout has offered us a valuable alternative.