Sponsy case study background image
Overstory Media Group

How OMG eliminated stress, overbookings and missed revenue

Sponsy’s multi-channel capabilities, easy-access metrics and streamlined portal enable lean teams to manage multiple publications, in-person events and more.

Happy advertisers
Publications managed
Account managers involved

Overstory Media Group (OMG) launched in 2021 to strengthen communities with compelling and fact-based storytelling.

Currently, OMG represents more than 12 community brands across Canada that deliver newsletters, print publications, in-person experiences and more.

OMG publishes 15 free titles for digital and print to meet the needs of more than 375,000 subscribers, 725,000 social followers and 1,000,000 monthly web visitors.

Overstory represents more than 12 community brands across Canada that deliver newsletters, print publications, in-person experiences and more.
Overstory represents more than 12 community brands across Canada that deliver newsletters, print publications, in-person experiences and more.

Stressful spreadsheets

Sounds familiar?
Sounds familiar?

When Ziyana Vasaya joined the OMG team as an account manager in July 2023, the company was about to transition its publishing management to Sponsy from Google Drive. To do so, she needed to learn the existing system.

OMG’s sales management relied on a Google Sheet with tabs for each publication. While the spreadsheet had seven parts, confirming booking dates was challenging for Ziyana. She worried about how it contributed to higher risks of over and missed bookings.

Now, we love Google Drive, but our spreadsheet and process were so messy and unorganized.

Ziyana Vasaya
Ziyana Vasaya
Account Manager

Getting the right deliverables was equally difficult for the account manager, due to the use of multiple Google Drive folders. Clients needed manual authorization to do so - adding to Ziyana’s growing list of tasks.

“Now, we love Google Drive, but our spreadsheet and process were so messy and unorganized,” she recalls. “During training, I remember thinking ‘I don't know if I can do this job. This is so stressful, cluttered and chaotic’.”

Thankfully, Ziyana stuck with it - allowing her to onboard a new hire: fellow account manager Jessica Bernard.

Why OMG partnered with Sponsy

Sponsy enables lean teams like OMG’s to scale and manage operations efficiently. Sponsy’s powerful capabilities allow teams to streamline, track and manage the entire process: from the initial booking for advertising space to post-campaign reporting.

Manage everything in one place - from the initial booking for advertising space to post-campaign reporting.
Manage everything in one place - from the initial booking for advertising space to post-campaign reporting.

Sponsy’s design also equips advertisers with an easier and faster way to manage bookings, content and campaigns.

Easy migration

Migrating OMG’s 15+ publications went smoothly for the account managers, thanks to the “straightforward” user interface and responsive support from the Sponsy team.

Once we got a handle on it, changing everything over was pretty seamless.

Ziyana Vasaya
Ziyana Vasaya
Account Manager

Ziyana recalls emailing Sponsy with a lot of questions early on, which were answered quickly and clearly.

“Once we got a handle on it, changing everything over was pretty seamless. Actually, it was quite exciting. We could imagine the possibilities. Like, what if we bring this over? Or what if we try this? And it was nice to have Sponsy team supporting us…almost by our side.”

Onboarding sales to Sponsy

OMG’s two account managers oversee the operations of 7 salespeople working remotely across Canada. While they all rely on Sponsy for some aspects of their work, Jessica and Ziyana have found it quick and easy to bring them up to speed.

When new sales team members join we usually only need one call to give them the full rundown on the Sponsy features they need.

Ziyana Vasaya
Ziyana Vasaya
Account Manager

“Jessica and I use it mainly, so we’ve spent the most time with it,” explains Ziyana. “For everyone else - for what they need - it doesn’t take long to learn."

“When new sales team members join we usually only need one call to give them the full rundown on the Sponsy features they need.”

Multiple channel management

Initially, OMG utilized Sponsy for its digital and social publishing needs, while relying on Google Drive for its print edition.

Keeping both systems running meant clients needed two different processes and places to look.

It didn’t make sense.

Jessica Bernard
Jessica Bernard
Account Manager

Over time, seeing Sponsy’s powerful capabilities in action led Jessica and Ziyana to adopt it across the organization - managing print publications, in-person experiences and more.

Sponsy is suitable to handle any ad type, such as web, newsletter and print.
Sponsy is suitable to handle any ad type, such as web, newsletter and print.

Jessica explains: “Many clients book several ad types, such as web, newsletters and print. Keeping both systems running meant clients needed two different processes and places to look. It didn’t make sense. That’s when we decided to bring our print editions into Sponsy.

Central communications

Sponsy’s user-friendly portal has streamlined interactions and efficiency for the two account managers in their efforts to oversee 15+ publications, as well as their clients.

It’s great because Sponsy keeps everything in one place.

That means we are never left wondering if we missed something.

Jessica Bernard
Jessica Bernard
Account Manager

Jessica particularly appreciates the automated reminder and comment features which allow the account managers quick and clear client communications.

Sponsy’s user-friendly portal has streamlined interactions and efficiency for Overstory.
Sponsy’s user-friendly portal has streamlined interactions and efficiency for Overstory.

While automated reminders keep clients effortlessly aware when creatives are due, the comment section allows Jessica and Ziyana to message clients directly, for example, when deadlines are missed.

“It’s great because Sponsy keeps everything in one place. That means we are never left wondering if we missed something. Plus it’s connected to the client and that’s huge for us. That connection with clients is the tie that brings us together!

It’s a view shared by OMG’s clients. Since the rollout of Sponsy in 2023, advertiser feedback has been very positive according to Jessica.

“Clients tell us how easy it is to upload creatives now. Of course, some older people prefer to stick with email. In those cases, we just add it to Sponsy ourselves.”

Rapid reporting

Before transitioning to Sponsy OMG’s account management found producing campaign reports to be labor-intensive and difficult. Ziyana finds the platform’s ability to generate metrics quickly means reporting campaign performance is easy.

There’s no more going back and forth to search for the numbers.

Ziyana Vasaya
Ziyana Vasaya
Account Manager

“The stats and reporting features have been nice to have. It just saves us so much time! There’s no more going back and forth to search for the numbers. That’s been amazing for sure.”

No more back and forth, all your data is in one place.
No more back and forth, all your data is in one place.


Since fully migrating to Sponsy, OMG’s lean team has achieved a great deal, including:

  • Effortless management of 15+ publications (print and digital)
  • Successful rollout for in-person events
  • Easier reporting
  • More booking confidence
  • Fewer booking errors
  • Enhanced brand perception among advertisers

Looking ahead, the two account managers are looking forward to making Sponsy work even harder for OMG by integrating the sales team’s activities on HubSpot.

Two thumbs way up!

Ziyana Vasaya
Ziyana Vasaya
Account Manager

When asked about their experience with Sponsy after a year, Ziyana comments: “Two thumbs way up! The guys at Sponsy are always really responsive. No matter how big or small our query or request is, we always hear back - we are never left in limbo. It’s been really nice!”

“Ultimately, Sponsy makes things easier.”

Ready to explore what Sponsy can do for you? Book a free demo