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Integrate HubSpot with Sponsy

Automatically sync deals from HubSpot to Sponsy, closing the gap between sales and ad operations, and ensuring a smooth campaign execution

Send won HubSpot deals to Sponsy

Bridge the gap between sales and ad operations

With automatic synchronization, every deal closed in HubSpot is seamlessly transferred to Sponsy.

This ensures your ad operations team has immediate access to all the details they need to get started.

HubSpot products mapping

Ensure seamless consistency across platforms

Map HubSpot products to Sponsy placements, creating deal items in Sponsy exactly as they appear in HubSpot.

This integration streamlines your workflow, ensuring accurate and consistent setup of ad campaigns without manual intervention.

Sync companies with their contacts

Eliminate redundant data entry and duplicates

Sync companies and contacts between HubSpot and Sponsy automatically.

Keep your data accurate and up-to-date, preventing manual entry errors and eliminating duplicates, so you can maintain a clean, organized database effortlessly.

Dan Ni from TLDR uses Sponsy

"Sponsy replaced dozens of Google Sheets for us and several sponsors have already commented on how much they appreciate our new streamlined sponsorship process.

I can't imagine running a sponsorship-based business without it!"

Dan Ni
Dan Ni

Streamline your AdOps today.

Optimize your ad inventory, automate reporting, analyze performance, and delight your advertisers with a single easy-to-use platform.