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Integrate Stripe with Sponsy

Simplify your payment processes with Sponsy's Stripe integration, allowing you to receive payments on autopilot via Sponsy Storefront for self-serve ads and handle direct deals through simple Stripe payment links.

Enjoy money flowing in

Streamline Your Ad Revenue Collection

With Sponsy's Stripe integration, receive payments seamlessly from self-serve ads sold via Sponsy Storefront, ensuring your revenue flows in without the hassle of manual invoicing or tracking.

Direct Deal Payments

Accept Payments with a Simple Link

Receive payments for direct deals effortlessly by sharing a simple Stripe payment link, making the process fast and convenient for you and your advertisers.

Secure Transactions

Ensure Safe and Reliable Payments

Leverage Stripe's robust security features through Sponsy to ensure all transactions are secure, providing peace of mind for both you and your advertisers.

Dan Ni from TLDR uses Sponsy

"Sponsy replaced dozens of Google Sheets for us and several sponsors have already commented on how much they appreciate our new streamlined sponsorship process.

I can't imagine running a sponsorship-based business without it!"

Dan Ni
Dan Ni

Streamline your AdOps today.

Optimize your ad inventory, automate reporting, analyze performance, and delight your advertisers with a single easy-to-use platform.